What it Takes to Build a Custom Blog that Makes Money.
First off, this post is about how to setup a custom blog that makes money.
This is not a post on how to setup an average every day blog, big difference between the two, just wanted to be clear on this topic before we start.
So let’s get Started:
You have to get it right, and understand what goes where and how to place it on your custom blog, and understand how a custom blog funnels in the prospects and lead capture.
If you already have a blog and were thinking that your design could be wrong or is just not making money, then this blog post is for you. Also if your just started out, and wanted to know, how to make money with a blog for beginners, then this will help you.
How to make money with a blog,
There is a major difference from your everyday blog, custom blogs that make money, require many systems and funnels built into them. Your everyday blog, has no need for all the systems and tools we use on a custom blog, why because your only blogging, and not setting up a money making machine.
How to choose a Theme
They are many theme designs you can use for custom blog design, but only a few will work, please look at image to the right of this post, It shows you how to setup, one of the best designs that works, after all I have tested many designs over the years.
Things to know,
A simple design is much better then a crazy flashy design, why you ask, because no matter what your selling, your prospects only have seconds before they decide to stay or leave from your website. Remember your trying to make money, your not trying to impress your prospects and customers with flashy design and slideshows, that show them things that have nothing to do with your niche.
Think about this way, lets look at big box stores, any website from a well know big box store, they never use a design that has glam or slideshows everywhere, they always show you what your looking for quick and easy format, why because this is what works and sells products.
Keep in mind, you might like all the cool themes you see with all the flashy stuff, but you are building your website to get to engagement from your prospects and to sell products, so you are actually building the website for the public, not you.
Here is what you should have for a blog to make money and capture optins over and over.
This design can work for any business.
- Simple design with custom sidebar
- Small header area, not to tall
- Custom sidebar, not to wide
White background so text and images pop
- Custom graphics on website
- Custom give away, ebook or gift of your choice
- Lead capture on every page, with option, see mine
- email auto responder or built in to theme
- Membership system hidden on website
- Floating widget on sidebar, or sticky, no popup optin
- Website built around one niche only
- Products page
- PayPal and other payment gateways if needed
- Internal landing page on your website
- Shopping cart system
- Services page, you offer for your niche product
- Resources page, you offer for your product niche
- Affiliate products all over the website hidden
- Reviews on best affiliate products
- Blog page for your niche
- Add fresh content on your blog, post as much as you can
- Add many post about your niche and products
- Add affiliate links to blog post, hidden
- Custom SEO on entire website
- Social Media back links
- Social Media from big three or more
- Do not try to use spam back links ever
- Drive traffic to your website
- If website is new use social media
- If you do all this listed here, you will busy for a while
- Then traffic will come
- What about paid traffic, not a fan
- YouTube is great all free
- And much more later, but this is what you need to start
- Here is where you can find all the products I use on my blog,
- Click Here Resources
As you can see, my website blog looks simple, but has everything you see on my list and more.
Things to know:
It is best to build out your custom blog and try to have all things in place and tested before you start to send traffic to your website, keep in mind, your website must have what it takes to keep your prospects and customers interested in your niche, then you will see your conversions rates go up.
Well this cost money to build a custom blog
I get asked this question quite a bit, to have the best tools and products, the answer is yes, this is a real business, what other business can you start for free, see my point. Custom blogs are built with three major things, Custom Web design, Custom Graphic Design, Custom Product Design, so how can this be free, you can get a good deal on many of the products we use, but when your custom blog has all the best tools and products we use, you will have spent a little money.
How much money will I have to spend, that is really up to you, and the knowledge you have acquired, over the time you have spent learning all about internet marketing and blogging. If people have been telling you that making money online is easy and wont cost you anything, well that is not true.
When you see a custom blog online, that you know is doing well and pulling in major cash form selling products and other things, they are using the best tools we have for internet marketing, and spending thousands to pay staff every month.
Can you do this yourself and create a custom blog with no experience, of course not, you can build your everyday blog from WordPress, but it will not be a custom blog that makes money. Many try because people told them WordPress is easy, sorry for the bad news, you must know Internet marketing and have major web design experience, if you want a custom blog design, that makes money.
To build a successful custom blog
Requires that you are an expert in many fields of web design, you can do it, don’t get me wrong, but the truth is, many will fail because they don’t have the skills that it takes to secede. If your saying right now, wow this is not easy, and I will have to learn a whole lot, and it’s not for me, i’m outta here.
Well look at at it this way, if you choose to be an internet marketer, you are learning a new business, and when your all set an done, you will be an expert at online marketing, web design, graphic design and much more.
Things to know:
You have to love this stuff and have a huge passion for it, and believe in yourself.
How most people Start on WordPress
Well they were told at one time that it was easy, then with in the first hour they are like wow, this is hard, and quit after one week, I know I get hundreds of emails on this exact question.
So what people do after one week, give up or hire a pro, but even if you hire a pro, you still need to know how all this works, or your back to giving up once again.
Many people will pay some one to build a custom website or blog, and wonder why they get no traffic or sales, reason is, you must understand the process and concept of online marketing, and how custom blogs works, that make money.
I meet many website owners that don’t even know how to login in to their own website and check their admin section, and ask me why nothing working, am like really, well I say, if you don’t have the time to invest and learn online marketing, then hire a full time admin, and many do.
So who is blogging for
Someone that wants to learn all about this business and have a passion for it.
Facts on Custom Blogs that make Money
It takes time to get it right, if your new to building a custom blog and with no WordPress experience, you will need help or learn all you can, also you may choose a custom website designer, that has knowledge on internet marketing, web design, and all the tools we use, then things might go better for your build out. Now you still will need to be indexed, SEO and page rank, to be found online, so this takes time, the trick is to understand how all this works, many people try, but still get it all wrong.
So if your asking yourself, what about me, yes me Rob, how I started, I built my first website back in 1995, yup long time ago, and with in the first year of running that business, people would ask me to build them something, and I did, then I started working in online advertising, for major customers of my own, and still do, till this day.
So I hope this help you in wanting to know what it takes, and from falling for some scam out online. If your looking for help in setting up you blog, and wanting to learn internet marketing, then watch my videos or ask me questions.
If your searching for, how to make money from blogging step by step, then read below.
I also offer a video tutorials course, on How to setup a Custom Blog, all segments are done in video section, so you understand the process, we show you how to setup all systems and tools we use on the WordPress platform, my course well be open again soon.
If you would like to join my course on how to setup a custom blog that makes money, click on link below and send me a message that you would like to join, and we will get back to you.