Hello YouTubers,
Let Me Show You How I did That
Well I got you covered, on this post I will tell what you need for startling out, these products are the ones most used, even by the so called YouTube stars,
there is no need to purchase an expensive camera or mic, the products listed below, give you the same quality and sound,
as some of the best ones, on the market.
Rob’s Gear used in YouTube Home Studio
Best Camera And Mic For YouTube
Many of the best YouTube videos are filmed using a smart phone or iphone, so don’t get caught up with high prices cameras for YouTube, most YouTube stars use their smart phone.
Camera’s And Microphones
Computers And Software
Setting up your YouTube Home Studio
When your first starting out, you will find that using the best is not what it takes to be a YouTube star, or to have great quality and sound, but if you choose to upgrade your home studio, here are some great products.
For Video Recording And Screen Capture Software, I use Camtasia
What is the best video camera for YouTube
So you want the best, well if that is the case, make sure you understand how cameras work, they all do different things, also you must use lighting. If your trying to capture the best looking video. DSLR from cannon, are some of the most common cameras used, for filming YouTube videos, but many pros are still using their smart phones, that’s right, reason is, when your out and about and something comes to mind, and you need to capture it on film, your smart phone is always there.
How YouTube channels become so popular
If your new to filming for YouTube videos, and still trying to figure out, how some YouTube super stars become so famous, I will explain. Number one, they make it look easy, but they have masted all the skills for making videos and editing videos. Content is number one, they know what their viewers like, and they film it. If the channel is about how to videos, they researched it well, and know all about the product, or what ever it is there talking about.
Funny videos, with great content also works
You just have to know how to act on camera, and again know what your viewers want to see, if your super funny, your channel will do well, most channels that go viral, are from people just being themselves, so don’t try to be someone your not, and only talk about something you know about. If you know your stuff, viewers will flock to your channel, and then you could be the next YouTube super star.
Tips on how to create a successful YouTube channel
Custom cover image
Custom welcome video
Custom website blog
Social media package
Custom thumbnails on videos
Correct content for niche
Clear video and sound
Custom editing on all videos
Must upload new videos every week
Must have 100 videos or more
Must have great voice presentation
Must be comfortable on camera