Welcome Bloggers,

If your new to blogging and website design, I will explain a few things that you will need in getting started.

I recommend building your Blog or website on WordPress only, do not use a free website builder, they just don’t work. You will need a self hosted website, I recommend using Bluehost, for hosting, we use them on all are websites, and they have over Two million customers, so they are well known,

Once you learn how to use the admin section of WordPress, you can create any type of blog,

  • Personal blog
  • How to blog
  • e commence blog
  • Review blog
  • Niche Blog
  • amazon Store Niche
  • Affiliate Blog
  • Branding blogshow-to-make-a blog-watch-video

So my point is,

You need to understand the process and the types of blogs you can build.
WordPress works like this, choose your type of blog or website your are thinking about, then choose your theme and layout, when choosing your WordPress theme, be very careful in choosing the right one, if your new to WordPress you will want a theme that has the functions you need.

WordPress theme and functions

Have come a long way since WordPress started, now you can choose a theme with many built in functions, some of the most needed and most wanted options for WordPress themes are.

  • Easy Layout Change
  • Easy Header Image Change
  • Shopping Cart Built in
  • Amazon Shopping cart built in
  • Membership system built in
  • Auto Responder built in
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Sidebars on or off

Now you get the point,
You have many choices and functions to choose from, so choose wisely,  once you have experience, you can purchase more themes and test them. I always choose a theme that has the functions I need, and even if i don’t use them all, i know they will be there for me in the future.

Best Theme for Blog,

You should use something simple when just started out, WordPress offers many free themes to choose from, but keep in mind you are only using this free theme to get familiar with WordPress, then purchase a premium WordPress theme or Amazon ready theme. For more information on types of themes, please Ask Rob.

Setting up your Blog,
When working with WordPress, it is best to learn the page and post editor, and all admin panel functions, then just start typing you blog entries, images and videos and before you know it, your custom blog will look super nice. Always keep in mind, what makes a good blog or website, is the content and look and feel of design concept, you must have your design perfect, if your design is not done right, your visitors will not stay long or might not even visit your site at all.

What should your blog be about

Your blog should be about something that you know about, don’t just choose any niche, try to choose something that you are passion about and know a whole lot about. Your readers will stay on your website if the content is original and formatted correctly, also Google loves original content, so never copy anything from the internet or any website.

Custom Blogs, with all the functions,

Try not to rush things, once you learn the WordPress admin and functions control panel, you will be able to build a super custom blog like mine, I using a custom theme with many custom functions, like membership system, lead capture, social capture, and much more.

Watch my video on, on how to make a blog,

On this video i will show you how easy it is to work with the WordPress editor and admin control panel. I do want to thank you for reading my post, i hope you get a better understanding of WordPress for building blogs and custom websites.

Ready to Setup your Blog, Click Next below






Thank you
The Pro Blogger

Rob Pro Blogger
Rob Pro Blogger

Smart Profit Money, is a blog for Internet Marketing and Training, From Rob the Pro Blogger, Ya I make all the cool stuff.

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