How to start List Building
So you are here, because your list building is not working, will your not alone,
Well are you hoping I will have all the answers to the magic tricks of list building, well of course I do, now don’t believe everything you read out there, what you will learn from me is just how I do it, I am not going to sell anything here just my tricks for list building.
OK maybe one up sell at the end, only because it’s what I use, sorry, lol, now to the to magic of list building, let me first say, internet marketing is not easy or an over night success thing. Also I am writing this in my sleep or close to it, so if I sound like am sleeping o well. Ok list building to me is like an art form, you must really know what works and what is not true, don’t buy anything yet well maybe after you learn a bit.
What I use is a simple free gift and optin form, now I also try different things, I also own more then one website, so split testing is a must, it will tell you and me what works, and what is not working. I will explain in detail, try this trick, build a page that says something like for more information click here, well now after they click on your page, your page forwards over to you Facebook Timeline design, with a like to enter button or image,.
Now the trick here is to funnel them into the like to enter then they will see your Facebook main landing page, but this page has a simple optin form on it, so to see more information they must optin on your form, now if they do, trick coming here so watch this, your optin was not a simple optin form, it was a optin form to your membership system, now they are in your main membership system.
I always use a blur to like page, you’ll see mine soon.
I will explain why this works so well, most people use Facebook and spend lots of time there, so your internet marketing must bounce back in forth from your main website to your Facebook Timeline design.
The trick was if you missed it, was the optin form, do not use any optin form, you must use your membership optin form, and Facebook as the landing page. When they optin to your membership form from Facebook, you should have it setup with a
auto responder message, that leads them to a funnel system.
What is a funnel system you ask, the main product you are selling after you gain there trust, you must always start off with a very simple click here page, or disguise a button on your page as read more button or a tab, sneaky I know but it works. Now make sure you have at least five ready to go messages in your auto responders, that send out links on the messages that lead to an other up sell or soft sell or down sell product.
So once again to recap, wow getting sleepy now, anyhow, formula is, Google stand alone landing page or website page, simple click here to see more, now forwards over to Facebook landing page, like to enter button, now to Facebook reveal page, with optin form that is a membership optin form, auto responder sends out three messages over the next three days to up sell, with links to product.
Also you have them on your Facebook, so now every time you post something, they will see it. So start posting links to products on Facebook.
Your conversion rates will start to go up, but you need to have at least thirty of the same systems online,to make sales, just make sure you change the words around a bit. I told you, not easy, this is the truth, you must build it and they will come.
Also your Facebook Timeline must look like a website, please look at mine, told you, one more trick there.
This was my exact system I use, and yes it works very well, I will be selling soon optin gifts for you to use, like for five dollars, don’t worry it will be super nice. Now this was only one way I get prospects to optin, but there is more ways, to learn more click here, just kidding, or wait don’t go, gotta love that.
Ok just having fun there, but really I will show you more products to use and gifts, if you need help on this,please contact me, but for now like this post, or leave a comment below.
Ok thanks for reading my ways to list build,
Here is my Facebook Marketing Training Tutorials
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